lean heavily

美 [liːn ˈhevɪli]英 [liːn ˈhevɪli]
  • 重重地倚靠
lean heavilylean heavily
  1. Sit up straight on your chair ; do not lean heavily against the back .


  2. The simulation left open whether Israel would indeed launch an attack on Iran , though it suggested that the country would lean heavily on the US at least to keep open the option of a strike .


  3. Eastern Brazilians lean more heavily on the sweet potato .


  4. But I suspect the Fed will not lean too heavily against the wind , should inflationary pressures emerge .


  5. A few years ago , the story Roberts seemed to be selling was that Comcast was transforming itself into a content company , or that it would lean more heavily in that direction .


  6. The Christian Gospels lean more heavily on the Book of Isaiah than on any other prophetic text , and its " swords-into-plowshares " passage has universal appeal .


  7. As well as blending anger and love , Zhang has also been singing in English since he came to Beijing , a city whose musical fare can sometimes lean a little too heavily towards foreigners'tastes .
